During the early stages of running your tradie business, you may find that your cash flow is somewhat constrained. You will have many demands on your time, money, and attention, and it’s difficult to know how to prioritise your investment.
First-time business owners feel very overwhelmed when deciding how to market their enterprise. After all, effective marketing draws clients, and your company’s success depends on having a sizable, loyal clientele. Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as it might seem to develop a cheap, straightforward, and effective marketing strategy.
Regardless of what marketing strategy you adopt, you are advised not to cut any corners on insurance. As a tradie, you may find yourself on the receiving side of a lawsuit related to liability or negligence. For this reason, you are advised to securetradie insurance in addition to taking the steps outlined in this article.
Five Strategies for Marketing Your Trade Company
- Website
Your website typically gives customers their first impression of your company. It’s critical that your website stands out from the competition in an increasingly crowded market and gives potential customers only the information they require. You desire a cutting-edge, expert, and user-friendly website. Additionally, you want people to be able to reach you easily. You don’t even need to spend money on a web developer these days. You can build your website for free using tools like Wix or WordPress. Almost anyone can use these platforms because of their ease of use. Additionally, if you need help, you can always check out YouTube tutorials or hire a freelancer on a website like Upwork to finish your website.
- Insurance Coverage
Although having excellent insurance isn’t always the best way to market your company, it is unquestionably the best way to make sure that things don’t get out of hand in the worst-case scenario. If things go wrong, a business insurance policy can protect your property and buildings from any harm or monetary loss brought on by insured events. Additionally, your insurance can shield you from the negative effects a liability claim has on your company’s finances and reputation. You don’t need to speak with a broker for hours on the phone and pay a fortune.
- Online Directories
The most popular method for choosing a trade when people need a job done is to conduct an online search. And the majority of the time, people only click on the first few results that Google displays, ignoring results further down the page. Because of this, a high ranking for your company is crucial. You can take control of your company’s Google business listing to ensure this. It’s free and very simple to do this. Make sure your business is included in as many directories as you can.
- Social Networking
Your trades business may be severely hampered if you don’t have relevant, active social media accounts. Customers should think of your company first when they need a service, which is why you want to stay “top-of-mind” with them. Publish high-quality, shareable content frequently during peak hours to ensure that your social media accounts are always active. Videos, polls, questions, and photos are the most widely used format types. Always take the time to create high-quality content; you will be rewarded for it. Showing behind-the-scenes images and DIY instructions is a fantastic way to aid customers in connecting with your brand.
- Solicit Positive Recommendations
Positive word-of-mouth recommendations will always be an important tool for luring and keeping customers. Make sure your work is thorough, effective, and reasonably priced. Additionally, make sure you have a positive attitude. Without even having to ask, this straightforward formula will generate word-of-mouth recommendations. Additionally, you can politely ask your clients to submit questionnaires, make referrals, or write reviews. You can encourage feedback and reviews by giving your customers discounts or exclusive promotions. They receive a benefit, and you increase your business. Win-win!