Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

A popular proverb that we often hear is ‘time is money’, in Islam time is more valuable than money, in fact it is said that time is like a sword, if you do not cut with it, it will cut you back. This is slightly comparable to what is meant by ’empty mind is the devil’s workshop’. The time we spend in college is some of the best times of our life, muslim schools we are full of energy and resource and we can put every moment of it to great use. Sometimes college students are so caught up with the fun and excitement of being around friends that they begin ignoring their essential duties towards the almighty and fellow human being. Here are 5 things that you can do to make your time at college more productive and positive. Helping out other students We are not born with equal intellectual power, for instance, you may be good with your studies while your friends may need some more help. Do you have someone in your Islamic College who needs a little push with their education? Perhaps you can help them out in whatever way possible, it could be asking them about their challenges with studies or helping them in understanding something that find hard to figure out, that way you will be able to revise your own lessons and get better. Finding the right company When you are in college, it is very important to find likeminded people to mingle with. They help you stay on track and support you morally. Ideally you should find Muslim friends who are serious about right education and are sure of their goals in life. A good companion can help you get closer to your goals and learn the necessary lessons in life that will help later on. Keep in touch with your educators and fellow students When you stay in touch with your educators and seek out their help, it asserts a positive impression on their minds, which can be greatly beneficial in later years. At the end of college when you need a letter of recommendation to join a new college or job, your educators will be more willing to help you out if you maintain a personal touch with them. muslim schools Last but not the least, always do your best to keep your iman up. Constantly do things to be a good Muslim, help out charities and get engaged in noble causes that will keep your time at Islamic College well utilized.

By momrelf

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