Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

“Safe Terra” is actually a simple idea with environmental goals! This project asks you as a hero to plant a tree or clean the nature and You can then receive token by posting the relevant photos or videos of your actions on twitter.
The goal is to inform people about the advantages of planting trees and to encourage them to plant trees like you and care about their environment. All the people who plant trees will continue this chain and become the heroes of the Earth.

Technical description of Safe Terra Token

Safe Terra Token is a smart contract on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network. This token will be accepted in all digital wallets that support Binance Smart Chain tokens (Bep 20) & Total Supply is 100,000,000,000.

Email AirDrop

You can receive 1000 tokens by simply submitting your email to the free version of AirDrop! For this purpose, you need a wallet that is compatible with the Bep20 network. Please refer to Safe Terra Airdrop for instructions on how to add tokens to your wallet.

Twitter AirDrop

You can receive tokens here based on your activities on Twitter, but how?
Whatever you post on Twitter with @Safe_terra and #Safe_Terra will be shown on “Dashboard” panel. If it includes a tree-planting or environmental activity, you will be granted tokens.

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